This is so cool! Even as companies speak of Broadband over Power Lines (BPL), the stage is getting set for
Power Over Ethernet (POE)! I cannot claim to fully understand the nuances & limitations, but clearly, power delivery over ethernet cables is a form of hardware convergence that opens up options with the imminence of Metro Ethernet Networks. It would also herald changing industry structures as large telcos would see massive opportunities in power supply. It would create industries in billing integrators!
Having said all this, I do believe that of all industries, the next really really really big industry in my own squalid lifetime will be that of Energy. Maybe within the next 10 to 20 years, we will definitely see alternate sources of energy gaining complete acceptance. Even now one regularly reads articles of superheated server rooms, and power requirements. Our president is an incredible person with a mind blowing vision indeed, if only the nation listened to him even more!