Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Datacenter vertical

It would seem that telco's would do well to focus on the Datacenter vertical. If the article here is anything to go by, that would seem to be the next interesting business opportunity for outsourcing, and hence there would be phenomenal need for bandwidth.

Datacenters also represent an opportunity for companies to look at cost optimization. Typically, electricity costs in any company would be the largest component of Admin expenses, and for those that have outsourced their IT applications to the big daddy's, relocating the datacenter on the IT partners premises presents an immense saving potential & also puts pressure back on the vendor by milking ones payout for the maximum bang! :) But there is hope yet for the nay-sayers, as this recent blackout proves, it probably reaffirms my personal belief that the next big biz would be power/energy & alternate power sources would be required to ensure continued uptime of datacenters.

Interestingly, these datacenter locations could well eventually become Diplomatic centers, with virtual embassies, as more and more critical information enters these datacenters. On a more spaced out notion, the impact of datacenters on global warming probably needs to get looked into, as such concentrated efforts in air-conditioning must generate a lot of heat! And thus we return to our meme of Energy.

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