Sunday, July 30, 2006

Kannadda web

As the local language internet takes stronger hold, maybe the key to a breakthrough in our content services offering is to be less english and more local centric. Our offerings currently, be it music@ease or gaming are largely english driven. In fact, the emergence of NetXpert on Kannadda will indeed be our first strong swing into the direction of regional content creation. It would be imperative to continue this trend and ensure that the real masses get onto the internet, which is probably (along with price) one of the key roadblocks to explosive growth of the internet.

The same trend in the emergence of localized content, right at the application level to start with, is seen in Rediff's attempt to provide the Outlook kind of feel to their mail client (to address the home and office user simultaneously), and is further seen in the emerging battle to hit the market with local languages as Msft plays a catching-up game with Google and Rediff

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